Home - Join Us - What our employees say about us

We have a flexible, inclusive work culture where we pride ourselves on providing our employees with a whole range of opportunities for pursuing their careers. We care deeply about our colleagues and therefore ensure that we provide them with the best working environment. All of our employees are dedicated to their work so that we can provide medicines for healthcare professionals and their patients.



I have been with the company 27 years and in all the time I have worked here I have been shown compassion in my private and working life.  In the time I have been here when I have needed help from any manager, which I am sure you can imagine in 27 years there have been a few incidents,  I have always had their backing and the support of HR.

Our WoW programme is a really effective way of finding continuous improvement through challenging and collaborating with colleagues. We’ve also made big strides in developing training resources, especially during the past two years.  

I have been with Ethypharm for just over a year and it’s an exciting company to be with. The development of new treatments and digital therapies means we are pushing boundaries and helping even more patients. 

One of the best aspects of working at Ethypharm is being trusted to organise your day and how you carry out your role to be most effective. Everyone is very supportive – we have some tough objectives at times but having great people around you means you will achieve them. 

Ethypharm is growing fast and is always looking to enrich its teams with new talented individuals. We encourage you to visit this site regularly and to follow Ethypharm on LinkedIn to read our latest updates and stay informed about our job opportunities.